Saturday, August 22, 2009

Friends- Circle of Prayer

I haven't posted much lately because there hasn't been much happening out of the ordinary. We've been busy with me going back to work, the girls have been at church camp and we're crazily trying to get everything ready to begin first grade on Monday. But, a couple of things have happened that I thought were well worth sharing or at least writing about so that I don't forget them and can share them with Lena, Kira & Naia when they're old enough to understand everything being shared in this blog. Both have to do with friends and what you get out of a conversation with a good friend and what you do with what you get.

First of all, I had a friend that I've known since my first year teaching in Alief (oh my, 17 years ago...), Becky, stop by at work the other day as she was picking someone up. We spoke briefly about how Lena was doing, the power of prayer and faith and just the overall idea of what you learn when it seems life is at its toughest. One thing we discussed had to do with the love and strength of the people I work with. On the day of Lena's surgery, I had heard that some people at work might get together and have a moment of silence or a time for a quick prayer for her health and recovery. I knew this but at the time, my mind was just focused on the moment and how much I love my daughter as well as trying not to break down in the waiting area at the hospital! I didn't really think about the logistics of it even after a few other people mentioned it. I'm not sure why but when Becky stopped and brought it up the other day, it hit home. I was actually able to visualize what had happened during those moments even though I was in my own bubble at the hospital just trying to stay strong and full of faith. She told me about how a group of people came together, stood in a circle, held hands and prayed for Lena at the moment that she was going into surgery to have the brain tumor removed. I thought I was going to just have to sit down and cry right there in front of the administration building. Why hadn't I understood before? Why didn't I have the full picture? I may not have known exactly what was happening but I'll tell you something. I felt it. I just knew when I was waiting, and waiting, and waiting, that there were waves of love being sent to my daughter. Then, and now, I have had the sense that we are in a bubble of love and strength. So many people have asked me how I stay so strong or mentioned that they aren't sure they would have that strength. The strength isn't coming from me. I'm just the one who is helping Lena and my other daughters see the love and strength. I am in a bubble of love from people I love, people I care about and people we have never met. I don't even begin to try to understand it but it is there.

Most of you know that although I have faith, my beliefs don't lay with one church or one religion. I believe in love, hope and the goodness that's in the world. I believe in God and believe in prayer but I equally believe that the way we act towards one another is a true sign of our religion and beliefs.

Back to my story... what was amazing about this conversation with Becky is this. I never told Lena. I told her how people cared about her and wanted her to get better. She knows that the people I work with put an amazing basket together for her. She heard and I think understood that. But I didn't tell her about the prayer circle. I don't know why. Maybe I didn't think she'd understand or maybe I was worried about how she'd react. For whatever reason, I didn't. Until after I talked with Becky. Friday, Lena and I had an appointment down in the Med Center. On the way down there, I told her. She had a look of complete 'wonder' on her face. Her first questions was, "For me?" Then she asked about what they said to God and did I see it. I had to explain that I was at the hospital with her so no, I wasn't there. She only asked a few more questions but they were all so heartfelt and I know that telling her about this incredible gift made her feel so loved and cherished. We had just left my work where everyone was so accepting and loving towards her so I'm sure she was picturing all of these people in her mind, holding hands and sending love to her. What a gift the prayers were but what a more precious gift because she now knows.

I have a friend to thank for bringing that back to me and allowing me to feel the act of love in a way I could then share with Lena. If you know Becky, you know that she's got one of the biggest hearts in the world. She opened it to me that day by showing me her 'wonder' at what my Alief family gave to me and mine.

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