Thursday, July 23, 2009

Better Day Today... & Nick :)

Good evening friends and family. This post should be short.... well, I think it will be but sometimes I get going and can't seem to stop. :)

Lena had a much better day today. Finally! She actually requested bacon to eat this morning, drank some orange juice and told me she wanted to see her sisters. As the day went on, she stayed awake for a longer period of time, was weaned off the more serious pain meds, walked the halls, toured the hospital and attended movie night tonight to watch Horton Hears a Who. Yeah, "wow" right? What a difference 24 hours and a lot less medication makes. I actually saw a few glimpses of my daughter's personality come through today.

I almost couldn't help but laugh at one point when she flat out yelled at the occupational therapist that she WOULD NOT bend down to pick up a toy and that the lady COULDN'T MAKE HER. Whew. Lena was mad, mad, mad and it showed. She was overly tired and tempermental but I just wanted to shout with joy. Finally she was showing some personality and communicating. I felt bad for the lady who got the raw end of the stick but it was well worth it. Lena told her when she started that she was very tired and I told her Lena hadn't slept in a while. I figure she was forewarned. :) (((Isn't that horrible to enjoy something that came at the expense of another?)))... but it was funny!

Okay, now for the tough part of the day. Lena asked to be taken to the mirror on the back of our room's door. Although I knew it would have to happen, I wasn't ready. I hadn't quite figured out what to say or how to say it. So, I just did what felt right. We talked about the staples in her head- there are about 40. We talked about her shaved head and how the hair would grow back. We talked about why her eye is red and swollen and why we needed to keep putting ice on it.

We did not talk about why her eye was closed and how it would stay that way. I just couldn't do it. I didn't lie but I didn't tell her. I think she has been traumatized enough and it broke every piece of my heart to watch her facial expressions and slow realization as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. She sat stunned for a moment like she was waiting for me to introduce her to the girl in the mirror. I don't know that she even realized that it was herself. As the tears began to fall down her cheeks, she reached up to brush them away. Her hand went to her left eye where the eyelid is closed and just touched the eye, her lashes and then ran her hand over her shaved head and the numerous staples that hold her scalp together like a headband, from one ear to the other. I know I'll have to tell her and we will need to talk about the reality of the situation but it isn't happening today... or tomorrow... or this weekend... I have no idea when but neither of us is ready for it yet.

One of the doctors thought we should be released today. I told them no. I asked them how they could possibly release her when all she's eaten for almost 4 days has been 5 bites of peaches, 4 bites of jello and two strips of bacon. How could they release her when she hasn't walked more than two baby steps? Really, how could they release her to us to take care of her when nobody has explained how we should do that? So, I told them no. I'm open to being discharged tomorrow but they had better get on the ball and start working with us to figure out what she needs and how we can provide it.

Okay, so not so short of a post. :)

Good news... hope... we're going home soon. Lena's eating a little bit, talking a little bit and playing a little bit. She talked to her sisters on the phone tonight and gave the first spontaneous smile since we arrived Monday morning. Man, I thought I was going to cry as she told her "Goo Goos" that she loved and missed them. They'll be coming up tomorrow to visit. That will be a challenge in itself. I figure however they react to Lena's appearance will set the stage for how Lena takes on the rest of the world. Let's hope that Kira and Naia bring lots of love and understanding. Pray for that tonight please. I think it is hugely important to her confidence and recovery.

I'll post soon about our journey home.

I want to share one more thing...

Lena has the best cousin ever. Nicolas Charles Turnbough, "Nick", has been a consistent visitor and motivator for Lena. He has made her smile and engaged her in an art activity today. He has visited Lena every single day and sat with me on the day of her surgery. He has shown more strength and maturity at 13 than many adults I know. As we sat devastated about Lena's eye, Nick put it into perspective and basically stated that it was just an eye. Lena will still have a full life and have all the opportunities as other children. There may be some things she will not be able to do but there are a million things she can choose to do.
Nick... Lena and I love you! You are awesome and we are lucky to have you as a part of our family! Hugs & Kisses- Aunt Holi & Lena (Yes, I know that's just the way you roll. :) )

Thanks again everyone. Talk to you soon. Love Holland


  1. How sweet - a girl needs her sisters! How blessed she must feel to have the unconditional love of her family. I read your story every night and pray for the best. I love the way you are shipping those doctors into shape!

  2. Holland, Your blogs are amazing! You write from the heart and your voice shines through in every word. Lena is so precious. She is already showing such strength, she has learned that from you! Sisterly love is a powerful thing, no doubt Kira and Naia will be the best medicine of all. Praying for all of you!!

  3. Lena looks beautiful both pre and post op! Just beautiful! You are amazing, and I'm here in cyberspace and in prayer with you every step of the way. Thanks for sharing this chapter of your life with all of us... (I am learning from you about the kind of person and parent I want to be as well.)...Oh, and not horrible at all for you to find Lena's outburst with the occupational therapist funny - it WAS funny! Good for her! We like the sassiness!

  4. I just got your blog address tonight and I have to say thank you for blessing us by allowing us to go on this journey with you, Lena, and your family. You have been phenomenal in your strength, courage, and support throughout this time of trial.
    (I know that this is not your situation, but I wanted to share something that I hope will offer you some support.) When my daughter was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, it blind-sided our family too. I did not know what to do or how to explain to her how her life was going to change. Then I remembered something that I had done when my marriage was going through extreme stress - I told God to takeover my life and my situation. I could not handle the stress anymore and I felt like giving up. Honestly, the next day, it felt like a weight was lifted off of me. So, as I looked at Haley (who was teary-eyed and confused), I told God that I couldn't do it alone. He was going to have to guide me every step of the way - guide my words, guide my reactions, give me strength, and do what is best for Haley. God surrounded me with friends and family to give me strength, but also something amazing happened (as I have seen with you and Lena), He gave Haley the strength and courage to carry both of us through the situation (as Lena has shown you). He gave me the strength to pick her up as her spirits would fall (as you have done eveyday with Lena). He guided my words at the proper times to give Haley just what she and I could handle (as I see you and your husband doing). I can definitely see that God is there with you and your family every step of the way and He will continue to be there throughout life's journey.
    Kira and Naia will be Lena strongest supporters. I know that Dana did not fully understand what her sister was going through, but after she cried, she asked me what she could do to make her feel better. I told her just to love her and she has not stopped since the day of her sister's diagnosis. They still have their fights, but Dana always tells Haley that she loves her.
    There is nothing like a mother's love or the bond shared between sisters. We will continue to pray for your family.
    ~Alecia Youngblood

  5. I read this scripture this morning and thought of you guys:
    "Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes, with your right hand you save me." Psalms 138:7
    I know G-d is holding Lena and your family in His right hand! May you, Britt and the girls be surrounded by His peace today. Hope the visit goes well. I know Lena's face will shine when she sees her sisters :)
