Friday, July 17, 2009

Surgery & Hospital Information

Lena's Surgery is scheduled for Monday, July 20th at MD Anderson.
  • MD Anderson is located at 1515 Holcombe Blvd., Houston, TX, 77030 (directions below)
  • Our check in time on Monday is 5:15 a.m. and surgery will begin fairly early in the morning after check-in.
  • The surgery should last between 6-8 hours.
  • Lena will be in the Pediatric ICU overnight and if all goes well, be moved to the pediatric ward on Tuesday.
  • She will be in the hospital for 3-5 days for recovery and then home for additional recovery time.

I will update the blog after the surgery when I get a chance to let everyone know how she is doing. You are welcome to call and leave a message on my cell phone but I'm not sure how often we'll be checking voicemail that first day. You can also give my sister Alli a call and she can update you on what's happening.

Alief friends and family- I will call Greg Monday once we find out how the surgery went. Remember, it will be 6-8 hours so the call may not come until late Monday afternoon or night. He will keep you all posted for me. (Thanks Greg! You're an awesome "Boss Man".)

If you'd like to visit us at the hospital, please wait until after Monday and Lena is moved out of ICU. This will give us a chance to get our feet on the ground and get settled in. If you are bringing a child, please know beforehand that they have to get checked in on the main floor of the building to make sure they aren't sick. I think they are pretty cautious about this and I respect this procedure. I've seen a lot during the last few weeks that has opened my eyes and that breaks my heart. I'd hate for us to get anyone there more sick.

To get to MD Anderson...Travel down Main Street or take 610 and exit Main Street towards the Medical Center. Turn right at South Braeswood Blvd. Travel approx. 1.4 miles and then turn left at Holcombe Blvd and then right onto MD Anderson Blvd. You can then take an immediate right onto Bates into parking garage #10 or take a left to valet park. If you go into the garage, take the elevator to the 3rd floor and cross over to the hospital on the skywalk.


  1. Thank you for the update. We will be lifting all of you in prayer Monday all day -- and throught the recovery. May God be with you and comfort you.

  2. I'm caught up now, Holland, on reading your beautifully-written entries in Lena's blog... My eyes welled with tears as I read about the conversation you had with your girls about the operation. I cannot begin to fathom how difficult that was! But I also smiled when I read Lena's solution to the her 'hair cut problem'... that she would just flip the hair in the back over. "Atta girl, Lena!" That spirit will get her through this awful ordeal. Holland, your strength is palpable and so are your fears but please know that you and your beautiful family are in my continuous thoughts and prayers!

  3. Holland, I second Rozanne's statement: "your strength is palpable and so are your fears." I don't know how you are holding up other than G-d's peace surrounding you and your whole family. I have a fun day planned for the girls next SUnday if they get to come over -- Hugs and kisses and prayers to you all -- especially Lena, you and Britt!!!!!

  4. Holland, you are going to make it!!!! Love you!!!! Kim
