Friday, July 10, 2009

How we got here...

Okay, we aren't going that far back! Most of you know how the girls came into our lives. :) We have always felt very blessed to have our daughters as part of our family. It was quite a surprise to learn that there were three heartbeats... three babies... three girls... and although each day brings its own challenges, as we tell the girls, God picked the exact three girls that I needed in my life and picked me out as their mommy. He knew we all belonged together.

Now, as for how we got to this place with Lena's diagnosis...
In early May Lena had a fever one Monday after picking her up from school. This was in the midst of swine flu craziness and since I worked for a school district, I thought it might be wise to make sure she didn't have the flu and infect the whole elementary school!
On Tuesday morning as we were laying in bed waiting for our doctor appointment I noticed that the pupil in Lena's left eye was dialated quite a bit more than the right eye pupil. I brought this up to our pediatrician and she recommended that Lena visit an opthamologist. BTW, it turns out that Lena didn't have swine flu but she did have pneumonia.

At our first visit to the opthamologist, I decided he was a quack. He barely examined Lena's eyes and his big "a-ha" was for us to come back in two weeks. So, I found another doctor who specialized in pediatric opthamology. He was great, did a wonderful examination and came up with a diagnosis. We were thinking that the 3rd nerve from her eye might have been infected by the pneumonia. If that was the case, her eye should return to normal in a few months. However, he suggested we visit Dr. Edmund at Texas Children's Hospital who also specialized in neurology as well as opthamology. Dr. Edmund agreed but ordered a MRI to make sure of the diagnosis.

On the night after the MRI, just a few hours after we returned home, Dr. Edmund called. She explained that Lena had a mass in her brain and that she had scheduled us an appointment with a neurologist for early the next morning. So, our journey began...

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