Friday, July 17, 2009

Mommy & Me

Hi everyone. I wanted to pop in to give some updates on what's been happening in our world the last few days.

Lena and I spent a little more than 4 hours at MD Anderson yesterday and around 4 hours this morning getting last minute tests run, bloodwork, MRI, consent forms signed, etc. These have been some long days but necessary to make sure that not only are we ready but that the various departments at the hospital are ready for Monday, most especially the neurosurgeon. We haven't enjoyed the visits but obviously want him to have as much information as possible for accuracy on Monday morning. For Lena's MRI today, they placed little sticker dots across her forhead and behind her ears. These will act as "markers" for the 3D MRI that Dr. Demonte will use during the surgery. However, these lifesaver stickers have to stay on through the weekend. That should be a nice challenge for us and give us something to focus on- keeping 7 sticky lifesave dots on a 5 year-olds head for 3 days! Lena's a little concerned about people looking at her and laughing but she's so resilient that I think she got over it by the time we finished shopping for new pajamas for her and mommy and had lunch. :) We are heading out to the circus in the morning and I asked her if she wanted a hat, headband, scarf, or anything for her head and responded fairly adamanently, "No." That's my girl. She'll have moments but she is full of strength and I think under that angel baby exterior is a tough little girl who will prevail and grow stronger through this journey.

You know, having triplets has been a blessing in so many ways that are too numerous to describe. We've had experiences and adventures that are unique and challenging since the moment we found out there were three babies getting ready to join our family. The logistics of having three at one time can be overwhelming- just the idea that they outnumber you gives you reason to pause and take a deep breath! One of the biggest challenges we've faced is that bonding "one-on-one" time that parents have with their children. We've always tried to create those times when someone could go alone to the store with daddy or run an errand with mommy but it rarely happens that it is an event that the child wants to do or chooses; I mean really, running over to Home Dept isn't what they wake up dreaming about accomplishing for the day! We tried that early on but no matter what it is we plan or how wonderful that time is that you're spending with one child, there are always consequences. Even if the other two have had a great adventure as well, once they are all back together they want to know why they didn't get to do whatever the others did. It's kind of like the craziness of the bank teller giving us two balloons and one lollipop when we go through the drive through. Does she even know the amount of turmoil that causes??? Really, are ya crazy? If you don't have three of anything, don't even bring it out in the open. It just isn't worth the meltdowns! :) Okay, so you get the point.

Well, lately Lena and I have been having a heck of a lot mommy and me time- just not in the way I dreamed about. We are closer than we've ever been and I know my youngest daughter (by 2 minutes) better today than I did yesterday or a week ago. I'm really trying to build on that to give her strength for what is coming. We are making plans for our time at the hospital, went shopping for new pajamas for both of us and have had good talks about what toys would be best during recovery. These aren't exactly the conversations I was hoping for this summer but no matter, they accomplish the same thing. We are building memories together and will get through this together. I wouldn't want the experience for Kira and Naia but hope that through some alternative methods, I will have the chance to bond with them individually as well. Maybe the fallout and consequences didn't seem worth it to me before but now they do. For each of them to have mommy's undivided attention and to laugh, hug and talk together in the way that Lena and I have been, it's worth it.

So... I've learned something. I love the relationship I'm building with Lena and know that Kira and Naia deserve that same type of relationship with me. I just need to work a bit harder on building it; it will be so worth it for them and for me.

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