Tuesday, July 14, 2009

How tough can it be?

Without a doubt the toughest moment, and it was a moment, in my life was those few seconds when the realization of what the doctor was saying to us actually penetrated my brain and became our reality. Our daughter has a brain tumor. Before even the implications of that had set in... the tests, the surgeries, treatments... was just the moment of understanding and knowing that I understood nothing. She has a tumor in her brain. I thought that was pretty damn tough.

Until tonight.

Telling my daughter that she has tumor in her brain was worse. We didn't go into details but we didn't lie. We told her the doctor had to go in to try to help her get better. "Make a hole in my head?" she asked. "Why can't he go into my leg and go up that way?" Well, sounded reasonable to me as well. Even for a 5 year-old the idea of someone going into your head is just a yucky concept. Lena cried and wanted to know how much it would hurt. Would they poke her hand again? Would they make her go to sleep again? Where would the hole in her head be? Would she sleep at the hospital? Is the bed white? "I don't want it to be white. I want a pink bed."

Britt and I reassured her that we would be with her the entire time before and after the surgery. I think this helped and it wasn't too long before she claimed she didn't have any more questions and wanted to go watch Dragon Tales. Guess the short attention span actually does come in handy sometimes. :) A few more minutes and Mommy might have had a nervous breakdown!

Kira and Naia seemed to take the news easily with little understanding. Of course, it isn't their brain and they found out they get to spend several days and nights at Aunt Alli's house. Their biggest question, "Do we get to swim?" Ahhhh, yes, we'd love for them to understnad a little bit and lovingly pull Lena into their arms and hug and love on her but the reality for them is they have no clue what we're talking about. They haven't been at the dozen doctor appointments in the past few weeks. They haven't been poked, prodded, knocked out and x-rayed. I'd like to think they will develop some empathy through this experience but right now I'm mostly relieved that both conversations, with Lena and then with her sisters, took all of 10 minutes.

10 minutes and I'm completely wiped out and emotionally drained. So, this morning it seemed the toughest moment was the realization that my daughter has a brain tumor. That moment now seems insignificant compared to actually telling my daughter she has one.


  1. May God watch over your family.

  2. Holland, you are the best MOMMY in the world. Lena couldn't have asked for a more loving and strong mom than you! I pray that God's PEACE covers you, Britt and Lena like a big fuzzy warm coat on a cold winter's day.

  3. Holland - Wow...I have been way out of the loop. I knew as the year was winding down that things with Lena were not looking good. Dr. Whitehead is the surgeon who did my nephew's surgery. He is a wonderful and compassionate man. I would trust him with the life of my children. Likewise I would have to trust anyone he would recommend. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. May your July 20th end as possitively as our December 3, 2006. Althought my nephew lost his vision completely...we are blessed with a wonderful little guy who makes us all stop and smell the roses. Continue in the coming days to fill your cups with memories. We had four days for that and they were the most precious memories we have of him before losing sight. Making sure he would remember what we looked like....what everything looked like. He often asks me if he and I sitll have the same blue eyes. He also asks us to turn on the lights sometimes. The ultimate is when we say, "Case...look here, you need to listen" His response will be "remember I can't see so how can I look?" He is now 5 1/2 years old and wise beyond his years.

    At that moment that you think you cannot take anymore....know that your friends and family are there to send you strenght. You will be in my thoughts / prayers constantly.
